Friday, October 30, 2009

after the heavy rain...

it was a big one one yesterday at the factory... water was up so quick and we have to move our cars from the parking lot to higher ground. Again it rained heavily today but was not as bad as yesterday

Gran Melia, Jakarta

5 star hotel in the business district with strict security procedure. At least 5 guards manning the entrance checking the vehicle going in, then the barrier, sniff dog at the main hotel entrance, go through the metal detector then only you can go through the front door.

Traffic is always busy in front of the hotel making it longer to go out and into the hotel. Staff are friendly and helpful, check in was quick. I like the breakfast spread, local food, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish food, no complaint at all on that issue.

Nice size room, furniture a bit dated except for the LCD TV, overall quite what one expect from this kind of hotel but I would not come here again, location is too busy and still have to pay USD12 for internet access. The only good thing is its just 5 minutes walk to Delta Spa :)

Gran Meliá Jakarta *****

Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Kav X-0 - Kuningan, 12950, Jakarta

Tel: (62) 21 5268080 - Fax: (62) 21 5268181


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuanku Muhriz ditabal Yang Di-Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan ke-11

the Bersiram Royal Bath ceremony (photo from Najib Ariffin)

KUALA PILAH: Tuanku Muhriz Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir, 61, hari ini ditabalkan sebagai Yang di-Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan ke-11 di Istana Besar Seri Menanti di sini dalam upacara pertabalan yang penuh adat istiadat dan bersejarah dalam tempoh 40 tahun di negeri ini.

Tuanku Muhriz dimasyhurkan pada 29 Dis 2008, dua hari selepas kemangkatan Yang di-Pertuan Besar sebelum ini yang merupakan ayahanda saudara baginda, Tuanku Ja'afar Tuanku Abdul Rahman, yang telah menaiki takhta pada April 1967. Istiadat itu adalah unik di Negeri Sembilan kerana pemilihanYang di-Pertuan Besar ditentukan oleh Undang Yang Empat iaitu Undang Luak Jelebu, Undang Luak Johol, Undang Luak Rembau dan Undang Luak Sungai Ujong.

Upacara bermula pada pukul 11 pagi dengan keberangkatan masuk Tuanku Muhriz dan Tuanku Aishah Rohani ke Balairong Seri didahului oleh Orang Empat Istana membawa Peti Benian.

Istiadat bermula dengan peraturan menghadap Tuanku oleh Undang Yang Empat iaitu Undang Luak Jelebu Datuk Musa Wahab, Undang Luak Johol Mohd Jan Abdul Ghani, Undang Luak Rembau Muhamad Sharip Othman dan Undang Luak Sungai Ujong Datuk Mubarak Dohak.

Datuk Bentara Kanan Ibrahim Ujang kemudian hadir ke hadapan singgahsana baginda dan memohon perkenan Tuanku untuk memulakan istiadat dan kemudian menyeru Undang Luak Sungai Ujong Datuk Mubarak Dohak bagi memulakan tradisi seru menyeru yang dibuat turun-temurun sebelum ini.

"Hai, Bentara Kanan, serukanlah sabda Kami Undang Yang Empat kepada sekalian rakyat tua muda, kaya miskin, hina dina, dalam Alam Negeri Sembilan ini Adapun pada hari ini kami mentabalkan Tuanku Muhriz Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir naik Takhta Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan untuk menggantikan Seri Paduka Ayahanda Saudaranya, Almarhum Tuanku Ja'afar yang telah mangkat.

"Dan Tuanku Muhriz ini telah dilantik menjadi Yang diPertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan sebelum dimakamkan Seri Paduka Ayahanda Saudaranya pada hari Isnin, 29 Disember, tahun masihi 2008, serukanlah sabda kami kepada sekalian rakyat mengadap dan menjunjung Duli,"seru Mubarak.

Selepas seruan Mubarak itu, Datuk Bentara Kanan menyambut dengan seruan kesetiaan terhadap pertabalan Tuanku Muhriz.

"Hai, tuan-tuan sekalian, tuan muda, kaya miskin, hina dina, adalah Undang Yang Empat dengan Adat Istiadatnya mentabalkan Yang Dipertuan Besar Tuanku Muhriz Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir naik Takhta Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan," seru Datuk Bentara.

Sebaik sahaja selesai upacara itu, Datuk Seri Amar Diraja dan Datuk Pegawai Yang Enam bangun untuk menurunkan Daulat sebelum Datuk Bentara Kanan dan kemudian melaungkan "Daulat Tuanku" sebanyak tiga kali, diikuti semua hadirin.

Istiadat diteruskan dengan lagu kebesaran Negeri Sembilan dimainkan beserta tembakan meriam 32 das dari bateri istiadat, Rejiman Askar Melayu DiRaja yang duduk di kawasan luar istana.

Dengan selesainya adat istiadat itu, Tuanku Muhriz rasmilah menjadi Yang di Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan ke-11 selepas mangkatnya raja yang ke-10 iaitu, Tuanku Ja'afar pada 27 Dis, 2008.

Tuanku Muhriz yang berjiwa rakyat diputerakan pada 14 Jan 1948 dan satu-satunya putera dari enam adik beradik hasil daripada perkahwinan Yang di-Pertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan kesembilan iaitu Tuanku Munawir dan Tunku Ampuan Durah.

Sementara itu, Tuanku Muhriz dalam titah ucapannya menyeru supaya semua pihak dan pemimpin yang telah dipilih oleh masyarakat mereka memulakan kerjasama untuk kepentingan rakyat dan negeri ini. Perpaduan merupakan elemen terpenting kepada kestabilan dan kemakmuran negara, titah baginda.

"Dengan kekuatan ini, Beta menyeru kepada semua agar bergerak seiring ke hadapan untuk meningkatkan lagi kemakmuran negeri dan negara," titah baginda.

Baginda turut mengajak tetamu mengimbas kenangan baginda semasa kecil ketika menyaksikan perkembangan Negeri Sembilan di bawah pemerintahan ayahanda baginda iaitu Almarhum Tuanku Munawir serta nenda baginda, Almarhum Tuanku Muhamad.

Baginda menegaskan, nenda-nenda baginda yang pernah menjadi Yang diPertuan Negeri Sembilan telah memainkan peranan yang penting untuk pembangunan negeri ini malahan nenda baginda, Tuanku Muhamad sentiasa mengalakkan rakyat untuk menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah Melayu dan Inggeris.

Tuanku Muhamad turut menubuhkan sebuah sekolah perempuan di Seri Menanti 100 tahun dahulu yang sebenarnya merupakan satu tindakan yang berani serta inovatif pada masa itu kerana ketika itu, sekolah seperti ini hanya terbuka untuk golongan elit.

Pada peringkat kebangsaan, Tuanku Muhamad bersama dengan Raja-raja Melayu telah menyokong penubuhan Maktab Melayu Kuala Kangsar dan Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja, titah baginda.



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nice swing....

He is only 8 years old.. but his swing is not that bad. Maybe thats how Earl Woods felt seeing Tiger on the driving range

Home makeover Part Deux

Maybe we should call the Restaurant Makeover and Celebrities Home guys to turn this place upside down

Winter in Malaysia?

It was a hot and humid day on Sunday and this guy is wearing leather jacket.... My my.... he must be sweating profusely in there.

Pity someone who is unclear of the concept

Monday, October 19, 2009


One Kolam design in a shopping mall.

Kolam (Tamil: கோலம் kõlaṁ) is a form of sandpainting that is drawn using rice powder by female members of the family in front of their home

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wedding today

The whole gang attended the wedding 'kenduri' of our neighbour today (read: lunch), it was too early so the bride & groom were not there yet. Met some old primary school friends there too, and some makcik-makcik asking me about my mom and dad.

King Eric


1992–1997 Manchester United 144 games played 64 goals scored

...the most classic line he ever spoke.
"When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because
they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.
Thank you very much." - Eric Cantona

I just love this bit when he kick the %&#$ off that piece of bad ass. I don't think he deserved to be called a supporter, even as a Villa supporter

Raya is good... food, food and more food...

When is it going to end? Gosh... every weekend there will be invitations for the Hari Raya open house and again this weekend as per the other last 2 or is it 3 weekends it has been the weekend of gorging lamb, boer, beef, chicken and not to forget the usual lemang, ketupat and rendang. The mention of boer made me salivate as I recall Zainal's boer soup last week. Fabolouso, fantastico, magnifico... thumbs up.. if I can show both thumbs in my shoes I'll give them to Zainal too... best thing is there is none of that white residue on the surface of boer's soup. That proves.. mmm proves apa ya? No fat? Ya maybe kut.

Zainal's effort at the factory open house.. he is the one holding that big knife

Today is no exception... again Zainal is the main man manning the barbecue at an open house, and I am assured of another round of lamb on the charcoal fire that fits my taste bud. Yup, at the factory open house he was the 'master chef' for the lamb too but I think today's serving is much better.... conspiracy?

After that its Yati's house... I found something I've never seen before, glutinous rice (pulut) in Nepenthes, what the bretheren is Nepen-fargin-ses I hear you say.... "Nepenthes" are also known as Tropical Pitcher Plants, Monkey Cup or Periuk Kera in Bahasa Malaysia. They are known for their beautiful “pitchers” but it is their carnivorous nature that intrigues people. What the *%$#.... it taste good, I can eat tonnes of it, so?

Yup you are right... its this thingy...

Then you clean & wash it, put the glutinous rice and coconut milk in it then steam it... Waallla.. this is what you get.

Ehem... what about tomorrow? 1 in Shah Alam another one in Subang and not to forget, need to visit Chong Kok Kopi Tiam tomorrow morning... my previous posting here

Whatever happen to the 20 odd kilos I shaved off my 6-pack over Ramadhan? Now I look more incredible than Mr Incredible ..... hahaha!!

Friday, October 09, 2009

Our factory open house in Shah Alam

It was our factory open house just after Friday prayer's. It was good to see our friends, suppliers and customers coming to our place enjoying the barbecued lamb, satay, beriyani rice etc on offer. I was the judge for the karaoke contest, lucky our Azam from production stole the show with his voice, if not our 3 representatives from the accounts department would have taken the top 3 spot and I would be accused of 'cronism' hahaha :)

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Aini is 14

Aini's birthday today... a simple do at home with her favourite Oreos Cheesecake...