Saturday, August 20, 2005


nice logos. May MCKK live another 100 years to come so our children and grand children will be there to celebrate it in a more grandeur style.

I took the words below from the writing of an old boy, Raja Petra Kamarudin back in 2003;

Her Majesty the Queen of England once called MCKK “the Eaton of the East” when she visited Malaysia a couple of years ago. It is said His Highness the King of Malaysia then corrected her by calling Eaton “the MCKK of the West”. This, of course, cannot be confirmed but ask any “Old Boy” -- what an ex-Collegian is called though, let me assure you, none of these Old Boys act old -- and they would all agree that Eaton is what it is because they copied the traditions of MCKK.

The Battle of Britain was won on the playing fields of Eaton, they say. Well, Malaya’s independence was won on the playing fields of MCKK. As much as Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and UMNO try very hard to give the impression that Malaya’s independence was won due to UMNO’s struggle, what the history books fail to mention is that many of those “independence fighters” were products of MCKK. Granted it was a “peoples’ struggle”, but the rakyat, to quote Dr Mahathir, are like a herd. They just follow the leader, and it needed a leader to lead them to independence. And MCKK provided these leaders of independence.

I cannot resist mentioning that many of these early independence fighters like Sir Dato Onn bin Jaffar (Hussein Onn’s father), Dato Abdul Wahab (Dato Panglima Bukit Gantang and one time Menteri Besar of Perak), Dato Laksmana Razali, Tun Aziz bin Abdul Majid (one time Governor of Melaka), Dato Haji Kamaruddin bin Haji Idris (Dato Suhaimi’s father), Tun Abdul Razak (Dato Seri Najib’s father), Raja Sir Tun Uda (my grandfather), Dato Bahaman, Dato Andika Indera, and so on, were mostly old boys of the MCKK.

MCKK had become the seat of Malay nationalism. This was probably the biggest blunder the British ever made in Malaya. If R. J. Wilkinson was still around today, he would probably say, “Give the Malays education, old chap, and they start having VISIONS!”

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