Sunday, November 27, 2005

Khatam Quran - Aini

Aini did her Khatam Quran ceremony during my cousin's wedding in November. Taking cue from sahabah of our Rasullulah s.a.w. , Abdullah Ibn Abbas , one of his noted amalan is to attend Majlis Khatam Quran.The benefits to be present at such a gathering is manifolds.According to one Hadith,there will be 70,000 malaikat in attendance

" When the Quran is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace: that ye may receive Mercy. " Quran 7:204
The Khatam al-Quran marks the completion of reading of the entire Quran, the holy book of Islam. Aini , with her cousins, are required to read verses from the 30th and final section of the Holy Quran before his parents, his Quran teacher and invited guests. Once she completes her reading, she kisses the hands of his Quran teacher, and each of the guests in that order. She then descends from the dais (pelamin) where she was seated while reading the Quran, to join the prepared feast.

Allahummarhamni Bil QuranWaj’alhu lii Imaaman Wa Nuuran Wa Huda Wa RohmahAllahumma Dzakkirni Minhu maa NasiituWa’allimni Minhu maa JahiiltuWarzuqnii TilaawatahuAana Al Laili Wa Aana An NahaariWaj’alhu lii HujjatanYaa Rabbal ‘Alamin

Ya Allah Kasih Sayangilah dakudengan sebab AlQuran ini Dan jadikanlah AlQuran ini sebagai pemimpin sebagai cahaya sebagai petunjuk dan sebagai rahmat bagiku Ya Allah ingatkanlah daku apa-apa yang aku lupa dalam AlQuran yang telah Kau jelaskandan ajarilah apa-apa yang aku belum mengetahui Dan karuniailah daku selalu sempat membaca AlQuranpada malam dan siang hari Dan jadikanlah AlQuran ini sebagai hujjah bagikuYa Allah Tuhan semesta alam

The ceremony was followed by the wedding of my cousin. Which was a grand affair set in the colonial surrounding of old government quarters in Kuala Kubu Baru.

P/S: Aina n Aina even had the chance to pose with their favourite leading actor, Rosyam Nor who attended the wedding

1 comment:

  1. it is a wonderful karangan & it makes me happy to read it ...
