Saturday, July 26, 2008

Halatuju Negara -- do you know where we are being "driven" to?

I like this writing received in my mailing list...writer's identity is kept private.

Rakyat Malaysia, khusus nya orang Melayu, perlu sedar bahawa di rantau kita, ada tiga Big Players; yakni India, China dan USA. Apakah tidak terfikir bagaimana Hindraf menggunakan India ? Apakah satu hari kelak rakyat M'sia keturunan China akan berpaksikan "motherland" mereka pula ? Ketentuan geo-politik amat penting bagi menentukan halatuju negara justeru jangan lah kita "menidakkan" peranan Uncle Sam dan seterusnya menjerit perasan konon nya kita ini benar2 merdeka. (Nota: TunM bebaru ini telah sedar bahawa konsep Bangsa Malaysia yang dilaung laungkan dalam V2020 tidak mungkin tercapai. Dalam sejarah kemanusiaan, samaada rampasan kuasa, peperangan atau revolusi jalanan ala French Revolution, ianya TIDAK akan menjadi reality tanpa pembabitan, secara overt atau covert, drpd segelintir manusia yang berada ditingkat teratas "kuasa Elitis" yakni, dalam susunan kedudukan manusia duniawi ).

The fact remains that we were only given the rights to scream "MERDEKA" but in practise, so long as we are part of the United Nations, WTO and the world financial architecture, what we want or plan to do, as a trading nation, remain constraint by the superpowers. These are those who can impose their will, either through soft diplomacy and if the need arise ( as we have studied/witnessed in their 200 year old history) through three forms of intervention: hard diplomacy like sanctions, economic warfare as exposed by the book "Confessions of an Economics Hit Man", ongoing surveillance or covert activities and finally, overt military intervention. These has been their "method of controlling the world" and it will be foolhardy for anyone to assume that "they will change their methods". TunM's idea of asserting East Asia "independence" through the EAECaucus (read: away from APEC and away from U.S influence) has never been well supported, even by Korea and Japan. In this part of the world, only the China/Russia SCO could act as a balancing force against the hegemony of U.S. but unfortunately, our geography does not make us a natural candidate for SCO. Hence, arwah Tun Razak's declaration of SEA as a "nuclear free zone of peace and neutrality" (i can't remember the correct acronym) remains just that: A Declaration .... and year in year out, we continue to scream MERDEKA !

Walau pun jelas cucu Kutty agak authoritarian tetapi bila dia retire, keadaan ekonomi negara, halatuju negara bab V2020 dan polisi2 kerajaan sudah dipersepsikan oleh pemerhati dunia global dan kebanyakan rakyat sebagai amat jelas. Ini bermaksud bahawa semasa peralihan kuasa diantara cucu Kutty dan anak Ulama yg mahir ilmu falak, bahawa kita sudah pun berada disatu landasan yg amat baik. Justeru, apa yg perlu diteruskan oleh kepimpinan sedia ada teramatlah simple, dan sebenarnya i.e.: TO BUILD ON THE STRENGTHS AND TO RECTIFY OUR WEAKNESSES.

It is imperative that UMNO, PAS, PKR, DAP and all other influential political parties to rise above petty and gutter politics and start to display the level of political maturity only expected from Malaysia's educated citizenry who has been longing to witness the beginning of "first world mentality". Our politicians, by their very actions or inaction (as the case may be) but mostly by what they say inside and outside Parliament, must immediately arrest the rapid decline of their image and perception. Not only are they seen to be a "group of power hungry misfits and idiots", hence it is to be expected that the majority of rakyat has lost complete respect on their elected wakils; some are even saying that these scumbags are unworthy of the rakyat's trust .... the question that must be answered asap and of course, hoping to prick their conscience (if they still have any):

When will they ever learn NOT and NEVER to underestimate the Power of the People !!

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