Saturday, November 01, 2008

Our factory open house

Well its actually the 2nd Zulkaedah, way past Syawal but yesterday our factory had our open house in Shah Alam. In these bad times we could still organise a get together with the staff and customers and suppliers in the Raya spirit.

Grilled lamb portion and chicken is the spotlight of the day, even a whole lamb on the grill failed to take the spotlight away from the other 2 main dish.

We also had satay, mee, laksa, nasi goreng but from what I see on the day those are bottom of the slurp list of our foreign workers namely from Bangladesh and India. They huddled around the lamb tent waiting for their turn.

There was good turnout, weather was nice. started very bright and hot but laedter turn cloudy :) most of the invited guests were there and I hope the staff went hope with stomach full of good food :)

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