Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sabar my friend Part III

I received this news today...

Malek is on his “last lap”. The tumour has spread throughout his body – back, abdomen and lungs.He is struggling to even just breathe normally now as the tumour has significantly diminished his lung capacity. In fact, he wakes up intermittently from his morphine-induced stupor, gasping for air.

The doctors have been quoted as saying that his time is coming “very soon”. As his breathing gradually deteriorates, they plan to sedate him fully, to ease the pain until he eventually passes on. The reality has now set in.

However, it’s so sad to note that there are those among us who have been apathetic towards Malek’s condition because they still harbour some ill-feeling towards him due to his apparently indifferent (to most – cocky) stance towards them during our A-Level years. I know this because they tell it straight to my face, well, in most cases to my phone.

No doubt Malek has never been Mr Popular then and I’m not here to defend his demeanour during our adolescent years but I think it is just poor taste to not be able to forgive and forget. Ironically, it’s them, who probably have never had many kind words to say about him all these years, who should make their peace with him.

That opportunity might not present itself now because I was told that due to his weakened condition, Malek now doesn’t feel comfortable receiving visitors anymore.

I’m sorry for this outburst but I can’t help but feel emotional after seeing someone - anyone - more so a Muslim brother and a friend, dwindle right before my eyes. Just now, as I whispered goodbye to him, he held my hand and pressed it against his cheek momentarily and then kissed it. This kind of emotional display only happens in soppy movies, I know. But try as I did, I couldn’t stop the tears from gushing out. Frankly, there wasn’t a single dry eye in the room. I left quickly before I embarrassed myself further.

Finally, I just think that the noble plans and suggestions that I’ve seen in the previous emails should just be carried out without waiting for everyone (or even anyone else, for that matter) to participate i.e. if you feel you want to upah orang masjid to bacakan Yaasin for him or prefer do it yourself, just proceed and do it. It may be too late if you wait. This doesn’t have to be a group thing. Doa is the easiest. Kita boleh memohon kepada Allah SWT agar Dia memberikan kasih sayang dan tunjukkanlah sikap yang lemah lembut kepada Malek dan ringankan penderitaannya. Amin.

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