Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hj Rosma embroidery @ Bukit Tinggi

Hajjah Rosma is a famous embroidery shop located in Bonjo Panampuang, District Ampek Angkek, Agam District. She is more than 80 years old but she still teaches embroidery to her student in their small factory behind the shop. Nowadays his son (gosh his name slipped my mind) is the one who manage the business. I was there on Saturday and the place is about 10.5 km from Bukittinggi towards Payakumbuh. I was told before I went there that the products are quite pricey but when I went there and I compare those with the one found in other shops I believe the price is reasonable because of the high quality and little details of the products at Hj Rosma's shop.

There is even a book about her, "Hj. Rosma & Nukilan Bordir Sumatera Barat, Bigraf Yogyakarta dan Citra Budaya Indonesia, Padang"

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