Thursday, October 13, 2011

my 1st umrah...

 briefing at the hotel lobby

 solat sunat after tawaf in front of Multazam

Tawaf al-Qudum. Also known as the Welcome Tawaf. This Tawaf is performed by anyone coming to Makkah for any reason, whether for Umrah, Hajj, business or just for a visit.

Multazam merupakan dinding Ka'bah yang terletak di antara Hajar Aswad dengan pintu Ka'bah. Tempat ini merupakan tempat utama dalam berdoa, yang dipergunakan oleh jama'ah Haji dan Umroh untuk berdoa/ bermunajat kepada Allah SWT setelah selesai melakukan Tawaf. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Antara Rukun Hajar Aswad dan Pintu Ka'bah, yang disebut Multazam. Tidak seorangpun hamba Allah yang berdoa di tempat ini tanpa terkabul permintaannya"

 our guide, mutawif, an Indonesian student from Semarang.. forgot his name... dugghhh


 relief after my 1st umrah in less than 2 hours

 is that an 'angel' or what :)

As soon as I stepped into the Al-Haram I just felt excited and I just can't wait to see with my own eyes the Al-Kaabah

There is no fear.. just excitement

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