Monday, August 25, 2008

HUIZE TRIVELLI, Jl Tanah Abang, Jakarta

all my posts on Huize Trevelli:

Tired of the usual nasi padang and Sunda food I tried this colonial Dutch restaurant called HUIZE TRIVELLI. The building is one of the remaining original houses of European-Dutch housing complex which was built in 1939. Right from the entrance you can see the antique decor which makes you feel like being transported in time to the old Batavia era. One thing to note is the chairs are huge :) not like small restaurant chairs which is just big enough for my bum. It is a Heritage Resto and Pattisier. You can see old photos adorning the walls with Dutch songs and old keroncong songs playing in the background. There are a couple of private dining rooms, (most likely the bedrooms before), I think they need the extra rooms because the place is quite small for a restaurant, maybe enough for about 40-50 pax. Food is ok, not too bad, they have a mix of Dutch recipe and some Indonesian dishes. I especially like the starters, Travelli Insulinde Pastei, that one I liked it so much that I ordered two of it. Price is OK to with main course between Rph 30,000-50,000 and drinks in the region of Rph 8,500-15,000 depending on what you ordered.

Unfortunately smoking is only allowed on the outside but that is not too bad either. You can have a table in the little garden outside and listen to the sound of water trickling down the roof into the pond.

About Huize Trivelli (from their website)
As a matter of fact our family belongs to a family clan of Old Batavia family (Betawi Tempo Doeloe) who have settled in Batavia since ± 200 years ago. Since hundreds of years ago, Batavia has become a transit, trade center, and even the settlment of various nationalities from all over the world. So diversed social and cultural values have made Batavians have their own unique traditions amd culture. Or, in other words, the culture and tradition that are resulted from the acculturation of various culture and traditions such as Arabs, Chinese, Europeans, as well as various number of indigineous traditional cultures from Indonesia itself. The blend of such cultural traits, patterns and traditions has been manifested in many aspects of life in our family.
The location:
Jalan Tanah Abang Dua 108. Jakarta 10150 Tel./Fax.: 021 3865803
Email: or


The KLM flight from KLIA to Jakarta, 4.30pm, 20 Aug 2008
Name of a/plane: City of Atlanta

The KLM flight from Jakarta to KLIA, 6.30pm, 23 Aug 2008.
Name of a/plane: City of Atlanta


Nasi Padang Garuda at Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta

multi dishes
more dishes
otak sapi (cow's brain)
ayam pop

Friday, August 22, 2008

Kontrak sosial - Malaysia


Syarat-syarat kontrak

Perlembagaan Malaysia tidak merujuk kepada sebuah "kontrak sosial" (dari segi hak kewarganegaraan dan hak istimewa) secara ketara, dan tidak terdapat sebarang undang-undang atau dokumen yang pernah menjelaskan syarat-syarat kontrak sosial secara penuh. Pembela-pembelanya sering merujuk kepada Perlembagaan sebagai mengemukakan kontrak sosial, dan bapa-bapa kemerdekaaan juga bersetuju dengannya, walaupun rujukan kepada kontrak sosial tidak dibuat dalam Perlembagaan. Sebaliknya, kontrak sosial biasanya dianggap sebagai suatu persetujuan yang memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada orang-orang bukan Melayu dan bukan orang asli (kebanyakannya orang Malaysia Cina dan Malaysia India) sebagai ganti untuk pemberian hak keistimewaan kepada orang-orang Melayu dan orang-orang asli (dirujuk secara kolektif sebagai Bumiputera). Sebuah buku teks kajian Malaysia pendidikan tinggi yang menepati sukatan pelajaran kerajaan mengatakan: "Oleh sebab pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu bersetuju untuk melonggarkan syarat-syarat kewarganegaraan, pemimpin-pemimpin komuniti Cina dan India telah menerima kedudukan istimewa Melayu sebagai penduduk asli Malaya. Dengan penubuhan Malaysia, status kedudukan istimewa itu diperluas untuk merangkumi komuniti-komuniti penduduk asli Sabah dan Sarawak." [1]

Perlembagaan secara ketara memberikan tanah rizab Bumiputera, kuota dalam perkhidmatan awam, biasiswa dan pendidikan awam, kuota untuk lesen perniagaan, dan kebenaran untuk memonopoli industri-industri yang tertentu, jika kerajaan membenarkan. Bagaimanapun pada hakikatnya, khususunya selepas pengenalan Dasar Ekonomi Baru Malaysia (NEP), akibat rusuhan kaum pada 13 Mei 1969 ketika kaum Melayu hanya memiliki 4% daripada ekonomi Malaysia, hak-hak istimewa Bumiputera diperluas kepada bidang-bidang yang lain; kuota-kuota ditentukan untuk ekuiti Bumiputera dalam perbadanan awam, dan diskaun-diskaun sebanyak 5% hingga 15% untuk membeli kereta dan harta tanah diberikan.

Setengah-setengah orang mengatakan bahawa kecondongan terhadap orang-orang Melayu dalam pendidikan dan politik sebahagiannya merupakan tindak balas terhadap keupayaan orang-orang Malaysia Cina untuk memperoleh kebanyakan kekayaan negara itu. Bagaimanapaun, orang-orang Malaysia India boleh mengemukakan hujah bahawa merekalah yang mengalami kerugian yang paling banyak, walaupun ini boleh dipertikaikan.

Kerajaan ada mengundurkan sistem kuota untuk kemasukan ke universiti-universiti awam pada 2003 dan memperkenalkan dasar "meritokrasi". Bagaimanapun, sistem baru ini dikritik secara meluas oleh orang-orang bukan Bumiputera kerana hanya memanfaatkan kaum Bumiputera yang ditempatkan dalam rancangan matrikulasi yang menonjolkan kerja kursus yang agak mudah sedangkan orang-orang bukan Bumiputera terpaksa mengambil Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM). Walaupun secara teori, orang-orang bukan Bumiputra boleh masuk aliran matrikulasi, ini jarang berlaku pada hakikatnya. Meritokrasi juga dikritik oleh sebilangan pihak dalam UMNO sebagai berdiskriminasi kerana ia mengakibatkan orang-orang Melayu luar bandar terkebelakang dalam kadar kemasukan universiti.

Suruhanjaya Reid yang menyediakan kerangka Perlembagaan menyatakan dalam laporannya bahawa Perkara 153, tulang belakang kontrak sosial, adalah bersifat sementara, dan menyesyorkan bahawa ia dikaji semula 15 tahun selepas kemerdekaan. Suruhanjaya juga menyatakan bahawa perkara itu dan peruntukan-peruntukannya hanya diperlukan untuk mengelakkan keadaan tiba-tiba yang tidak menguntungkan kepada orang-orang Melayu dalam persaingan dengan ahli-ahli masyarakat Malaysia yang lain, dan hak-hak istimewa yang diberikan kepada orang-orang Melayu oleh perkara itu harus dikurangkan secara beransur-ansur dan akhirnya dihapuskan. Bagaimanapun, disebabkan Peristiwa 13 Mei yang menyebabkan pengisytiharan darurat, tahun 1972 yang merupakan tahun kajian semula Perkara 153 berlangsung tanpa sebarang peristiwa.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The bl#@dy hit-n-run car

This b%$#@*d banged our car a few nights ago at the toll booth, he didn't stay long enough to exchange details and opted to drove away.... idiot.

If he thinks he can run away... he is wronggg

This is one tough soldier

taken from :

Saturday August 16, 2008 Lance corporal soldiers on despite bleeding left arm

Way of the warrior: L/Kpl Zamri staying in formation despite needing medical attention yesterday

ALOR STAR: The left sleeve of L/Kpl Zamri Md Soot’s uniform was drenched with blood after another soldier accidentally cut his arm with a bayonet during a marching ceremony.

Despite the pain and heat, L/Kpl Zamri, who sustained a deep cut, stayed in formation for almost two hours until the end of the Regimental Colours Replacement ceremony at Stadium Darul Aman here yesterday.

His blood-soaked sleeve caught the attention of Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah. The Sultan of Kedah, who is the colonel-in-chief of the Royal Malay Army Regiment, greeted L/Kpl Zamri at the end of the function shortly before the 29-year-old soldier was rushed to the Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital where he was warded for observation. The Sultan had during the opening speech called on army personnel to remain strong.

Kpt Adis Amzar Hazari regarded L/Kpl Zamri of the Sixth Army Battalion, who suffered a 6cm-long cut on his upper arm, as a courageous soldier. “An officer who noted the injury asked him to leave and seek treatment. But he refused to do so because he wanted to march till the end of the parade. “It reflects the fighting spirit in us,” said Kpt Adis Amzar. Royal Malay Army regiment chairman Lt-Jen Datuk Wira Zulkifeli Mohd Zin said the soldier had shown true grit. “He refused to leave because he did not want to spoil the marching event. Willingness to make sacrifices reflects a soldier’s spirit,” he said.

Cili oh cili

I am very thankful to Ashraf for giving away free e-book on Chili - guide to planting chilli. He even made available a DIY set for those interesting in doing chili on their own. I've been looking in a few websites about chili and fish but most websites sell their e-book. Have a look at the Pejabat Pertanian Manjung website and they put up quite a lengthy information on quite a few issues relating to guide to plant many types of vegetables etc. Well done to you guys.

Below is a guide on chili from


Ingin menanam cili tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana! Ikuti petua yang disarankan oleh Prof. Madya Dr. Ahmad Mahir Mokhtar dan Prof. Dr. Ismail Ahmad dari UKM

Penyediaan Kawasan

  • Meletakkan Sungkupan
  • Penyemaian dan Penyediaan Anak Benih
  • Pengubahtanaman
  • Penyiraman
  • Pembajaan
  • Pengawalan Rumpai, Perosak Tanaman dan Penyakit
  • Pungutan Hasil
  • Penyediaan kawasan

  • Pengapuran – dilakukan sekurang-kurangnya 2 minggu sebelum pengubahtanaman. Untuk tanah gambut dan berasid, pengapuran pada kadar 2 tan/ha setahun. Untuk tanah berasid yang sangat rendah (pH 3.5 –3.7), pengapuran pada kadar 10 – 25 tan/ha setahun.
  • Penyuburan tanah – tambahkan najis haiwan pada tanah berpasir & tanah liat
  • Pembajakkan – tanah dibajak dan digembur sedalam 15-20sm untuk meningkatkan sistem pengairan dan pengudaraan tanah serta untuk mencampuradukkan bahan organik.
  • Batas

  • penanaman satu baris sebatas : lebar batas 50, tinggi 30 sm
  • penanaman dua baris sebatas : lebar batas 120 - 150 sm
  • jarak antara batas : 60 –100 sm
  • antara batas : perlu diselangi parit seluas 75 sm untuk mengatasi air bertakung dan banjir
  • Meletakkan sungkupan

  • Untuk mengawal rumpai, penyakit & serangga
  • Mengekalkan kelembapan tanah & mencegah hakisan
  • Bahan sungkupan : plastik `silvershine’, lalang kering atau jerami padi.
  • Penyemaian dan penyediaan anak benih

    Biji benih

  • 200 hingga 300 gm/ha (bergantung pada peratus percambahan)
  • Direndam atau dilembabkan semalaman sebelum disemai (campuran vitamin-hormon pada air boleh meningkatkan peratus percambahan).
  • Kaedah penyemaian

  • Boleh dilakukan di dalam dulang semaian (60 x 30 x 10 sm) yang boleh menampung 100 anak benih atau di dalam beg-beg plastik
  • diletakkan di bawah kawasan teduh berjaring> halus untuk mengurangkan pancaran terik matahari dan mengelakkan serangga perosak
  • Baja NPKMg (12:12:17:2:TE) dicampurkan dengan kadar 7 gm/liter tanah. ‘Seed-raiser’ boleh menambahkan peratus percambahan.
  • Selepas 2 minggu, anak cambahan dipindahkan ke dalam polibeg bersaiz 15 x15 sm yang mengandungi campuran tanah, najis haiwan dan pasir dengan nisbah 3:2:1
  • Teduhan pada anak-anak pokok dibuang secara berperingkat.
  • Penyemaian juga boleh dilakukan terus di ladang dengan memberi teduhan.
  • Pengubahtanaman

  • Anak-anak pokok berumur 5 hingga 7 minggu diubahtanam atas paras daun pertama dalam tanah bagi mengelak pokok tumbang.
  • Jarak tanaman boleh dijarangkan (75 x 100 sm atau 50 x 60 sm) atau dirapatkan (15 x 15 sm @ 40,000 –45,000 pokok/ha) mengikut varieti.
  • Bagi Cilibangi -4 yang berpokok kecil dan berhasil kurang setiap pokok, jarak tanaman >yang rapat disyorkan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang tinggi per hektar.
  • Pengubahtanaman perlu dilakukan pada waktu redup atau petang diikuti dengan penyiraman air untuk mengelakkan kejutan.
  • Selepas seminggu, pokok yang berpenyakit dicabut, dibakar dan disulam dengan pokok sihat.
  • Penyiraman

    Dilakukan 2 kali sehari dengan sistem ‘sprinkler’ pada awal pagi dan petang


  • Pembajaan mesti dilakukan mengikut elemen-elemen baja yang diperlukan secukupnya
  • Baja NPK berwarna hijau (15:15:15) atau baja cecair (15:30:15) digunakan untuk pembajaan asas.
  • Baja buah NPKMg berwarna biru (12:12:17:2:TE) atau baja cecair (18:18:21) untuk pembajaan pokok dewasa.
  • Hormon dan vitamin tumbuhan boleh digunakan untuk menjamin kesihatan pokok.
  • Jumlah baja NPK dan NPKMg yang digunakan adalah 1.8 – 2.5 tan/ha dan dibahagikan kepada 4 kali pembajaan.
  • Pembajaan asas dibuat sekali sebelum atau ketika pengubahtanaman diikuti dengan 3 pusingan pembajaan permukaan.
  • Sebanyak 10 g baja ditabur di sekeliling pokok setiap 2 minggu. Baja cecair dilarutkan pada kadar 1 sudu besar per liter air. Baja cecair 15:30:15 disembur dari pangkal pokok hingga ke daun setiap 7-10 hari sehingga pokok berbunga. Baja cecair 18:18:21 juga disembur pada kadar yang sama.
  • Pengawalan rumpai, perosak tanaman dan penyakit

  • Racun rumpai pracambah digunakan selepas tanah disediakan untuk mengawal rumpai
  • Racun serangga digunakan untuk mengelakkan serangan kutu daun dan hamama serta vektor afid yang membawa penyakit virus.
  • Pelekat (perangkap) lalat buah boleh digunakan semasa pembuahan.
  • Varieti-varieti Cilibangi rintang kepada penyakit kerekot daun (virus CVMV) dan antraknos buah. Racun kulat digunakan untuk penyakit kulat yang lain.
  • Pungutan hasil
    Hasil dipetik ketika pokok berumur 12 hingga 16 minggu. Purata hasil 16-20 tan/ha.

    Here are some other sites you may find interesting;

    Monday, August 11, 2008

    Tuesday, August 05, 2008


    caught somewhere on the cyberworld.... ok lesson learnt but what happen now?

    By Nor Mohamed Yakcop

    A moment comes, which rarely comes in a lifetime, when a particular event redefines a person’s life and changes the course permanently. For me, the meeting with Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on the evening of October 3, 1997 was such an event. It enabled me to devote the next 6 years of my life working for Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, meeting him almost daily. In the process, it enabled me to see, at very close range, the abilities of this great man.

    The combination of many noble qualities in one person is rare, and it is this unique combination that has enabled Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to transform Malaysia from an otherwise typical third world country into a thriving and vibrant nation, well on the way to become a developed nation. It is also this combination of qualities that enabled Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to save Malaysia from becoming another IMF nation during the financial crisis of 1997 - 1998.

    I am often asked about my involvement in the recovery plan implemented on September 1, 1998. It began on September 29, 1997, when I received a telephone call from the office of Dr Mahathir Mohamad informing me that the Prime Minister wanted to see me. The PM was in Cuba at that time, and I asked (in jest) if I was to meet the Prime Minister in Cuba !

    I was told (not in jest) that he will be arriving in Buenos Aires on October 3, 1997 and I was to make sure I was in Buenos Aires at least a day before he arrived. I packed my bags and left for Buenos Aires, and arrived in Buenos Aires on October 2.

    The PM arrived the following day at 5 pm and we met immediately at his suite. He informed me that he had asked many people to explain to him what was causing the financial crisis but no one was able to give him a satisfactory reply. He asked me whether I could explain to him what exactly was happening.

    I asked him how much time he had, and he said two hours. I explained to him how the forex market works, about short positions and long positions, about hedging and how currencies are borrowed and sold, the difference between “bid” and “offer” and how funds can be transferred from one country to another at the click of a button. I also explained how the equity market works and the relationship between the forex market and the equity market. Dr. Mahathir hardly said anything, asked one or two questions, and listened intently.

    After two hours, he had to end the meeting to get ready to go for an official dinner. He asked me about my plans for the night and I said I had been invited for the same dinner. Dr. Mahathir said to me: You go back to your room and write down all that you have been telling me for the last two hours, and see me at 7 am tomorrow. I went back to my room, skipped dinner, and wrote it all down, finishing at about 6 am.

    I saw him the next morning at 7 am and gave him the report. He asked me to take a rest and come back again at 2 pm. When I returned, he told me that he had read the report and that he now understands what was happening in the financial markets. We started discussing various methods of overcoming the crisis, and our discussions continued when we returned to Malaysia. I met him almost daily for discussion, sometimes at his house and sometimes at his office. We tried a few mechanisms to overcome the crisis, some of which worked initially, but the hedge funds were so strong that it was difficult to proceed successfully with these mechanisms.

    In early 1998, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad asked me to explore the idea of imposing an exchange control regime to overcome the crisis. I remember preparing voluminous notes on this subject. Dr. Mahathir went through the notes carefully, and kept asking for more and more details. We went through many rounds of discussion, until he was finally convinced both with the concept as well as the proposed mechanism. The rest, I guess, is history.

    Dr. Mahathir also asked me to prepare a paper on how to put an end to Malaysian shares traded in CLOB (Central Limit Order Book) in Singapore. Dr. Mahathir was of the view that an important reason for the falling stock market was the short-selling of Malaysian stocks in CLOB. I prepared the report and Dr. Mahathir understood, for the first time, how exactly CLOB operates. The report, which was also implemented on September 1, 1998, put to an end the trading of Malaysian shares in CLOB.

    I should add that the exchange control measures were crafted in such a way as to minimize the control aspects and maximize the outcome. The Prime Minister went through the proposed mechanism many times to make sure that the control elements were as few as possible, but adequate enough to ensure a positive outcome. There were no bureaucratic elements in these measures, such as requiring importers to obtain Bank Negara’s permission to import. The Ringgit was also pegged at a level where it was not overvalued. In almost every other country, which imposes exchange control measures and pegs its currency, there would, almost by definition, be numerous bureaucratic controls, and the currency would also be pegged at an overvalued rate.

    It is often assumed that the system of exchange control (including fixed exchange rate) that we implemented on September 1, 1998 saved the country. The measures of September 1, 1998 were undoubtedly a necessary condition, but it was not a sufficient condition to overcome the crisis. Malaysia was saved, not by exchange control measures per se, but by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

    Let me explain. Any other developing country, facing a similar crisis, if it had introduced the measures that we introduced in September 1998, the measures would probably have failed. The fact that in Malaysia these measures succeeded is due to the ability and character of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. The economy and the financial system, under Dr. Mahathir’s leadership, was in a very healthy state–healthy enough for the exchange control measures to be implemented without negative consequences. Moreover, the Prime Minister’s hands-on management style enabled quick and timely decisions to be made, which was vital under the new exchange control regime.

    Dr. Mahathir, as Prime Minister, had ensured that the Malaysian economy was fundamentally strong. Ringgit was strong and stable. On the back of the currency stability (at RM2.50 against the US dollar) Malaysia was doing very well. At the end of 1996, real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at almost 8.5 per cent and the growth was expected to continue for many more years. The government was enjoying a fiscal surplus. The external debt was low, at 40 per cent of the Gross National Product (GNP). The current account of the balance of payments had narrowed from a deficit of 10 per cent to 5 per cent of GNP, and was expected to improve further. Inflation was at its lowest at 2.1 percent. We had steady growth of over 8 per cent for a major part of that period. And this fundamental strength of Malaysia was a critical factor that enabled the exchange control measures to succeed.

    For a period of more than a year after the measures of September 1, 1998 were implemented, the Prime Minister met with a small group of us everyday - 6 days a week - for at least 2 hours to go through various economic data, including data on loan growth, exports, imports, property overhang etc. This enabled the Prime Minister to take quick actions, whenever required. I remember one morning when we were going through the property figures, he looked at me and directed that I should organize a property fair to clear the overhang of properties. I did, and property worth more than RM 3 billion was sold. Even after the crisis was over, Dr. Mahathir continued to meet with the group regularly, though no longer on a daily basis. And Dr. Mahathir continued to go through all the economic data with a sharp pencil.

    No other Prime Minister in the world, either in developed or developing countries, employs such a hands-on approach in managing the economy. We can see, therefore, that it was not the exchange control measures per se that saved the country but the man — Dr. Mahathir Mohamad — himself.

    The period 1997 - 1998 was, to paraphrase Charles Dickens, the worst of times, but it was also the best of times. The worst conditions brought out the best in Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. There is a saying that a good leader is like good tea - you only know the true quality when he is in hot water !

    Throughout the crisis, the Prime Minister was focussed on resolving the crisis. Day and night, he thought of nothing else but the crisis. He read all he could on finance; he kept asking me to prepare notes on various technical issues. Sometimes he was sick with bad flu and cough, but he did not take time off to rest. He was convinced that he had to understand the issues before he could work out the solutions. His native intelligence and ability to focus on core issues were there throughout the crisis. He did not show any sign of fear even at the worst of time, only concern at the fast deteriorating state of the economy. He was, at all times, confident that he would prevail in the end.

    I would like to add two additional points related to the financial crisis. The first is that, in implementing the measures of September 1, 1998, Dr. Mahathir not only saved Malaysia but the neighbouring countries as well. Let me explain. When Malaysia imposed its exchange control measures on September 1, 1998, the currency speculators realised that the other affected countries (Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea) could also impose similar controls, and they, therefore, stopped their activities in its track. The speculators backed off. They bought back the currencies that they had sold. This is resulted in the regional currencies appreciating. Moreover, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was not happy with what Malaysia had done, particularly since, after implementing the measures, we did exactly the opposite of what the IMF wanted us to do, i.e. we lowered our interest rates and injected liquidity into the system. The IMF, therefore, started relaxing conditions in other countries and allowed them to lower their interest rates and allowed them to inject liquidity to stimulate their economies so that Malaysia would not outperform the IMF countries. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that Dr. Mahathir Mohamad not only saved Malaysia, but the other affected countries in the region as well - Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea.

    My second point is regarding what would have happened if the exchange control measures were not implemented. If the measures were not implemented, many of corporations in Malaysia would have gone under, due to the high interest rates. When the corporations fall like dominos, banks would have faced severe liquidity and solvency problems due to the ballooning NPLs. The problems of the banks would have resulted in a credit squeeze, which would have led to another round of corporate failures. The Government’s revenue would have fallen drastically as fewer firms would be paying corporate taxes, thereby reducing the Government’s ability to stimulate the economy through fiscal policy measures. As a result of the problems faced by corporations and banks, unemployment would have increased substantially, leading to a second round of problems. This is the classic vicious cycle, which could have, in the end, destroyed the social and political stability of the country. This was a scenario that was waiting to happen. It did not happen because of the decisiveness and guts of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who decided to take the path less travelled.

    We owe Dr. Mahathir much gratitude for what he has done for Malaysia over the last 22 years. Solving the financial crisis of 1997 - 1998 was just one, albeit perhaps the most important, of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s many contributions to the nation.

    On a personal note, over the last 6 years, I have come to admire this great man for his abilities, his high moral values and, most of all, for his sincerity. Certainly, a man like Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is not born everyday.

    (23rd. October, 2003)

    Personal Budget Planner

    Well this is for the individuals in the family. Hope this helps. Go ahead & try it. Attachment: Personal_Budget_Planner.xls

    Monday, August 04, 2008

    Water features at Kompleks Kraf Kuala Lumpur

    PC Fair KLCC

    I was at KLCC on SUnday for the PC Fair. It was jam packed with people going after bargains. Who said there is economic crisis? Judging from the response at the PC fair it looks like people are still splurging wads of cash everywhere. As usual you can see this group of people whom I call the "bag people" the ones who goes from one booth to another collecting nothing but bags :) get a life lahhh...

    Friday, August 01, 2008

    Toilet theme restaurant at Queensbay, Penang

    Look carefully at the furniture, table from bath tub, toilet seats to for chairs and miniature WC for bowls etc



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