Its sad to hear this news.. on our former Prome Minister Tun Dr Mahathir. I took this from port received by Malaysia Today, Datuk Nik Safia bin Nik Yussof was the unidentified person’ who sprayed Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with either mace or
pepper spray.Datuk Nik Safia, one-time Deputy Chairman of Umno Kuala Kerai, had earlier stormed into the airport with six tough-looking bouncers in boots and leather jackets and confronted Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad (ex-Member of Parliament Kok Lanas). He then demanded that he be allowed to ‘take’ Tun Dr Mahathir.Tan Sri Abdullah would not engage Datuk Nik Safia who then said that he would ‘take’ Mahathir at all costs.When Mahathir arrived he was ushered into Datuk Ibrahim

Ali’s Pajero. Datuk Nik Safia then sprayed mace into the Pajero and grabbed the shocked Mahathir and bundled him into his (Datuk Nik Safia) own car and zoomed off.
Moments earlier, Dr Mahathir was reduced to a helpless old man,
having been sprayed with Mace.
Its sad... so very sad. I later managed to get on to another website about Dr Mahathir's speeches which were transmitted via Kelantan.tv via live video streaming. Some of his quotations were.. plus minus a few words...
“Sesiapa yg cuba nak merugikan bangsa saya, negeri saya.. saya akan kecam”
“Nak pulihkan UMNO? Boleh, Perdana menteri jadi perdana menteri, bukan keluarga jadi perdana menteri”
“Saya tak setuju nak bawak banyak islam, nabi bawak 1 islam aja, tak payah islam hadhari”
Quoted by TDM, 28 July 2006 Hotel Perdana, Kota Bharu
On Jeef Ooi site it mentioned: At 16:30hr, Screenshots received this brief update from a journalist on site:
Dr M attacks Brendan. Mentioned his names 5x!!!Kali, kj, Scomi.
Gajah sama gajah berjuang..... pelanduk juga mati di tengah tengah
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